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ConnectivityStates Enumeration

Specifies types of network connectivity state.

Namespace:  Alphaleonis.Win32.Network
Assembly:  AlphaFS (in AlphaFS.dll) Version: 2.2
public enum ConnectivityStates
  Member nameValueDescription
None0The underlying network interfaces have no connectivity to any network.
IPv4NoTraffic1There is connectivity to a network, but the service cannot detect any IPv4 Network Traffic.
IPv6NoTraffic2There is connectivity to a network, but the service cannot detect any IPv6 Network Traffic.
IPv4Subnet16There is connectivity to the local subnet using the IPv4 protocol.
IPv4LocalNetwork32There is connectivity to a routed network using the IPv4 protocol.
IPv4Internet64There is connectivity to the Internet using the IPv4 protocol.
IPv6Subnet256There is connectivity to the local subnet using the IPv6 protocol.
IPv6LocalNetwork512There is connectivity to a local network using the IPv6 protocol.
IPv6Internet1024There is connectivity to the Internet using the IPv6 protocol.
See Also