ShareType Enumeration |
Namespace: Alphaleonis.Win32.Network
Member name | Value | Description | |
DiskTree | 0 | Disk drive. | |
PrintQueue | 1 | Print queue. | |
Device | 2 | Communication device. | |
Ipc | 3 | Interprocess communication (IPC). | |
ClusterFs | 33554432 | A cluster share. | |
ClusterSoFs | 67108864 | A Scale-Out cluster share. | |
ClusterDfs | 134217728 | A DFS share in a cluster. | |
Special | -2147483648 | Special share reserved for interprocess communication (IPC$) or remote administration of the server (ADMIN$).
Can also refer to administrative shares such as C$, D$, E$, and so forth. | |
Temporary | 1073741824 | A temporary share that is not persisted for creation each time the file server initializes. | |
All | -838860797 | Retriev all known ShareType |