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FileGetProcessForFileLock Method (CollectionString)

[AlphaFS] Gets a list of processes that have a lock on the file(s) specified by filePaths.


Return Value

Type: CollectionProcess

Returns null when no processes found that are locking the file(s) specified by filePaths.

Returns a list of processes locking the file(s) specified by filePaths.

Namespace:  Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem
Assembly:  AlphaFS (in AlphaFS.dll) Version: 2.2
public static Collection<Process> GetProcessForFileLock(
	Collection<string> filePaths


Type: System.Collections.ObjectModelCollectionString
A list with one or more file paths.

Return Value

Type: CollectionProcess

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File.GetProcessForFileLock(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{System.String})"]

See Also