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DfsInfo Properties

The DfsInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComment
The comment of the DFS root or link.
Public propertyDirectoryInfo
The DirectoryInfo instance of the DFS root or link.
Public propertyEntryPath
The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of the DFS root or link.
Public propertyGuid
Specifies the GUID of the DFS root or link.
Public propertyMetadataSize
For domain-based DFS namespaces, this member specifies the size of the corresponding Active Directory data blob, in bytes. For stand-alone DFS namespaces, this field specifies the size of the metadata stored in the registry, including the key names and value names, in addition to the specific data items associated with them. This field is valid for DFS roots only.
Public propertyPropertyFlags
Specifies a set of flags that describe specific properties of a DFS namespace, root, or link.
Public propertySecurityDescriptor
Pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that specifies a self-relative security descriptor to be associated with the DFS link's reparse point. This field is valid for DFS links only.
Public propertyState
An DfsVolumeStates enum that specifies a set of bit flags that describe the DFS root or link.
Public propertyStorageInfoCollection
The collection of DFS targets of the DFS root or link.
Public propertyTimeout
Specifies the time-out, in seconds, of the DFS root or link.
See Also